Complete Health Dentistry isn’t just a fantastic supporter of the Michigan Titanium as our title sponsor, they support overall health in everyone. A prime example of this lifestyle is their Scheduling Coordinator, 63-year-old, Denise VanPelt. If we’re fortunate, we may catch of glimpse Denise on our race course this year. It will all depend on the timing of the arrival of her sixth grandchild due any day now in Atlanta. If the baby comes early grandma duty will trump race participation.
Denise has worked for Dr. Ritzema since he began his practice at Complete Health Dentistry. She’s a dedicated employee and a dedicated gym goer. As a mother of five grown children, she has been had a passion for fitness since her kids were young, getting up early most mornings to hit the gym before heading in to work. That’s one of the things she appreciates about working at CHD, that like her, the practice is dedicated to overall health and well being.
While Denise mainly focuses on working out at the gym and attending fitness classes at MVP, she’s no stranger to triathlon. She completed the all women’s event Best Friends Tri five years ago. When asked to possibly participate in the Michigan Titanium triathlon her reaction was “Sure, I can pretty easily swim a half mile, no reason I can’t swim a full mile.” Denise says that if she goes even a couple days without working out she doesn’t feel as good as she does when she stays on top of her workouts.
It’s her dedication to staying in shape and being active that gives Denise the drive to try new things. She wants to keep moving and keep active, “I want to hike mountains with my grandkids. I want to ride bikes with them.” She is driven to try new things and continually challenger herself which is why at age 50 she decided to learn how to play the piano. Seem that this is a life lesson that she has learned from her mother. At 99 years old her mother is still going strong completed her first 5K at 86 years old. “I may have a good 30 or 40 years left!” She wants those years to be strong and active.
While other dentists focus on treating tooth damage and decay, our Complete Health Dentistry focuses on preventing oral health issues from happening in the first place. Your teeth and gums are just as connected to the rest of your body as your heart and lungs. Denise and Dr. Ritzema, along with the other members of his practice truly value overall health and being, which is one reason they’re so supportive of the Michigan Titanium. For more information about their practice visit